During the financial crisis, clearly bonds represented an
exceptional opportunity. Not
surprisingly, during the liquidity crisis, people were liquidating bonds at
prices well below normal. However, if
one purchased bonds during the financial crisis, by about 2011 a
well-constructed bond portfolio had appreciated so much in value that there was
little incentive not to take the capital gain.
Interest rates were so low that holding bonds was a waste of one's
capital. The likely outcome was a loss
of purchasing power over the remaining life of the bond. Furthermore, with the Fed manipulating the
entire yield curve, it was impossible to assess the risk of continuing to hold
the bonds.
Consequently, for the last few years, utilities, Real
Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) were
viable alternatives. However, just as
bonds experienced substantial appreciation coming out of the financial crisis,
REIT and MLP valuations have risen significantly since 2011.
MLPs presented an unusual opportunity when the President
decided to postpone the decision on the Keystone pipeline for political
reasons. By acting counter to the
economic pressure, the Administration guaranteed that the economic pressure
would surface in the form of higher returns to alternative energy
transportation options. Alternative
pipelines or pipelines that could benefit from the absence of Keystone were
guaranteed to experience an increase in demand.
That greatly reduced the risk associated with selected other
pipelines. Those pipelines could be
purchased as a bond substitute with very little downside risk and dividends
substantially above the interest rate on bonds.
In the MLP space, pipelines provide a potential substitute
for bonds. There near-monopoly on
transportation along their routes insulates them from competitive pressures
over a fairly long term. It takes a long
time to build a new pipeline, as Keystone illustrates. Further, the decision on Keystone created a
unique opportunity to select MLP pipelines.
It is not MLP structure that makes pipeline MLPs a potential bond
substitute; it is the combination of their specific business and the MLP
structure. Consequently, mutual funds
that are composed of all types of MLPs whether pipelines or not, are a poor
substitute for bonds. Individual MLPs
would seem to be a more reasonable bond substitute because you can restrict it
to pipelines and you know they yield.
Some of those pipelines would have served as a successful
temporary bond substitute. For example,
Enbridge Energy Partners (EEP) provided a nice dividend, and that was about
it. However, as occurred with bonds
coming out of the financial crisis, other pipelines would have appreciated to
the point where there were substantial capital gains. For example, between the end of 2011 and May
2013, the gain in Plains All American Pipeline (PPA) was almost 100% without
including dividends. By mid-2013 the
logic of holding either was greatly diminished to the point where they no
longer justified the additional tax complexity associated with MLPs. Generally, the yield on MLPs had fallen. Those that retained the high-yield did so
because they became more risky.
For many years REITs were what the name implies: Real Estate Investment Trusts. Thus, during the financial crisis and coming out of the financial crisis, REIT mutual funds represented a way to diversify into real estate. The popularity of that shift, however, attracted firms that stretched the definition of real estate to the breaking point. Consequently, by 2011, one had to pick individual REITs in order to ensure that the investment was really a real estate investment. The security of real estate holdings is one of the reasons that REITs served as a potential bond substitute. The other reason is the cash flow.
Among REITs, as long as it is real estate, no specific
industry stands out as a natural substitute for bonds. Most real estate can be replaced much faster
than a pipeline. Consequently, all real
estate industries are more competitive than pipelines. So, market considerations in the industry of
an individual REIT are more important.
One type of REIT that has some characteristics which make
it a good candidate for a bond substitute is a REIT that specializes in “triple
net” properties. (Triple net properties
generally have long-term leases where many variable expenses are shifted from
the real estate owner to the occupant).
If the REIT has broad geographic exposure and a diversified base of
renters, it takes on additional bond-like characteristics. One does need to be careful about the amount
of leverage on the REIT’s balance sheet.
That is particularly true of new REITs, but it is less of an issue with
the larger REITs that have existed for a number of years.
The least specialized triple net REITs are concentrated
in retail. I have a large number of tenants. The tenants may be entirely different retail
segments, and they often have very broad geographic coverage. National Retail
Properties, Inc. (NNN) provided a pretty good substitute for bonds from 2011 to
2012. However, early in 2013 its
valuation got way out of line as the stock appreciated in value. A very popular triple net lease REIT is
Retail Income Corp. (O). Its monthly
dividend structure appeals to many investors.
However, the appeal of that monthly dividend structure has resulted in higher
valuation for Retail Income Corporation than National Retail Properties. Its price followed a trend similar to
National Retail Properties. Of the two,
National Retail Properties seemed to provide a better bond substitute. But in both cases, by early in 2013, the
valuation spikes justified exiting the positions. If their prices fall off a bit more, National
Retail Properties could be a very good bond substitute.
Another appealing area within the REIT space is
healthcare REITs. The demand for
healthcare is reasonably stable.
Consequently, occupancy rates, an important metric in real estate, are
fairly stable. The risk in healthcare
REITs is the stability of payment streams that result from government payments
for health services (Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates). However, it is possible to select healthcare
REITs that are not extensively exposed directly to the whims of politicians
regarding prices. Basically, a REIT that
owns the property and is dependent upon rents is more stable than one that both
owns and operates the properties.
National Health Investors, Inc. (NHI) is one such REIT. It has the added advantage that many of its
hospitals and other facilities operate under a triple net lease.
A purchase of National Health Investors at any point
during 2011 would allow one to currently exit with a capital gain, as well as
the dividend stream. That is true
despite a price spike in May of 2013, and the subsequent decline. But the combination of the run-up in the
price of National Health Investors and then the price spike provided ample
opportunity to adjust one's holdings in such a way as to end the year with
holdings in this bond substitute at almost no cost. LTC Properties (LTC) was formally known as
Long-Term Care Properties and is another healthcare REIT. Like Retail Income Properties, LTC pays a
monthly dividend. It displayed a price
time path similar to National Health Investors.
Of the two, National Health
Investors is the better bond substitute.
An unfortunate side effect of monthly dividends is that
the REITs attract investors whose only concern is the cash flow. Consequently, REITs that pay monthly
dividends tend to have higher valuations, and, other things being equal, they
tend to be more risky. Thus, while both
National Health Investors and LTC Properties have been acceptable bond
substitutes until their price spiked, National Health Investors was the only REIT
that was worth retaining as a bond substitute after the price spike. Its a ration seems more reasonable.
Other REIT sectors such as commercial space also provided
a bond substitute. However, unlike those
cited above, commercial space REITs often have more limited geographic
focus. During the period from 2011 into
2013, a number of commercial space REITs were good bond substitutes. However, because of their geographic focus,
that ability to substitute is more ephemeral.
It depends upon too many factors: the quality of the REIT management,
the performance of the local economies, and conditions in the local commercial
real estate market. Thus, it is not
surprising that they are temporary holdings.
Both the REITs and the MLPs as bond substitutes do not
require expert timing although timing was more important with the REITs. REITs seem to have been more influenced by
the chase for yield. However, the price
spikes that preceded their decline provided the investor with a warning. Their price decline was almost a mirror image
of the spike. However, for both the MLPs
and REITs, an investor who is still holding those assets has not lost
principal. Not losing principal is an
important requirement for a bond substitute.
As mentioned in “Rebalancing in a Manipulated Interest-Rate Environment,” utilities are the traditional equity substitute for
bonds. Thus, not surprisingly, there
were opportunities to substitute utility stocks for bonds during the period
from 2011 through 2013.
When looking utilities, it is worth remembering that
Verizon (VZ), which is sometimes considered a utility, was included in the widows’ and orphans’ portfolio. One
might ask whether Verizon belongs in the utility sector at all. The question is legitimate given the
importance of its unregulated businesses.
The point, however, is that Verizon retains enough regulated landline
business to make it unnecessary to consider telecom utilities for a bond
Electric utilities, which are often thought of as the
prototypical utility, are so much of a regulatory crapshoot and had so many
industry-specific risks, that they were not a good bonds substitute. Although with the hard to find the data to
prove it, electric utilities seem to suffer the most from regulatory whims.
Two gas utilities provided an excellent opportunity to
substitute equity positions for bond holdings.
Both have the advantage that they operate in a number of subsectors of
the gas industry. AGL Resources Inc. (GAS)
has been an excellent bond substitute for number of years. It is to the point where it is almost a core
holding, but only to the extent that one might hold bonds on a regular basis.
The other, National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), was far less
of a pure bond substitute. It would have
been totally inappropriate previous to 2012.
However, at the beginning of 2012, National Fuel Gas seemed to be priced
based totally on its non-utility operations.
Consequently, one could acquire the company and get gas utility exposure
almost for free. That type of sum-of-parts
analysis is usually not required to identify a utility is a bond
substitute. However, in the case of
National Fuel Gas, it was essential since National Fuel Gas did not pay a high
enough dividend to justify considering it as a bond substitute based on its
dividend alone. National Fuel Gas may
continue to be an excellent investment opportunity, but by the end of the year
it could no longer be justified as a bond substitute. It could be sold and the proceeds used to
purchase a more traditional bond substitute or held as cash.
The final area where it may be possible to find bond
substitutes among the utilities is water utilities. American Water Works Company Inc. (AWK), and
Aqua America Inc. (WTR) are the two largest.
Water consumption is obviously extremely stable and insensitive to the
economy. One might conclude from that
stability that water utilities would be a natural substitute for bonds. However, both companies suffer from lower
dividend rates than one would want in a bond substitute. Despite that, Aqua America looks like an
attractive bond substitute going into 2014.
The lack of sensitivity to the market and the economy is true of both
the company’s business and its stock price.
Thus, it is a reasonable place to park money absent some more compelling
bond substitute.
Interestingly enough, after having made that decision and purchased additional shares of Aqua America, an article in BARON’S on January 25, 2014, “Dow Slides 3.5% in a Global Retreat From Risk,” referenced the stock as attractive. One might expect to find a reference to water utilities in an article talking about a stock market decline. The rationale for holding Aqua America is that it is almost totally impervious to stock market fluctuations and economic cycles. Fortunately, the stock did not jump after the reference in that article. So, the stock is still an attractive investment. A reasonable plan for 2014 is to add to the holdings of Aqua America as long as the price remains stable.
In summary, going into 2014, positions in National Health
Investors, AGL, and Aqua America currently serve as bond substitutes. However, it is reasonable to assume that
during the year other stocks will have to fill the role bonds usually
One other passing note, because of the repression of the
interest rates, the period 2010 through 2013 and going into 2014 is one of the few times where holding
more cash than normal made sense. The cash
needs to be available as opportunities arise to purchase bond substitutes. The rationale behind the approach of holding
cash and using bond substitutes that embody slightly higher risk was discussed
in a posting on September 30, 2011 entitled “The Fed Cannot Force Investors toShift to a Different Risk-Return Profile.”