is not a zero-sum game.
Neither trade nor negotiations are zero-sum games.
Unfortunately, Mary Anastasia O’Grady in “President Trump’s Mexican Standoff” (1/30/2017
WALL STREET JOURNAL) misses that point. As a strong advocate of free trade and
one who favored NAFTA consistently since its initial negotiation during the
Bush administration, I commend her for her efforts to present the benefits of
freer trade with Mexico. One of my complaints about Bill Clinton's run for the
presidency was the hypocrisy in his campaigning against NAFTA and then claiming
its signing as a major accomplishment. The hypocrisy of cultivating a distrust
of free trade despite knowing that it is desirable has been a hallmark of
Democratic politics. A legitimate concern is that the consistent failure of
politicians to defend free-trade while demonizing those who do defend it has
led to the election of a president who may not understand those benefits.
However, it is extremely important to present the
benefits as well as the costs honestly. Much of the protectionist sentiment in
America reflects a failure to honestly acknowledge both the costs and benefits.
Thus, it is extremely important when trying to defend free-trade that the
economics be clearly stated. The author’s presentation falls short of an honest
presentation of the counter argument against the proposed tariff on Mexican
exports. It is not honest to say that the 20% cost of the tariff would be paid
by American consumers. Assuming no currency adjustment, the cost of the tariff
will be distributed between consumers in the form of higher prices and producers
in the form of lower output depending upon the elasticity of demand for the
product. If the product is considered a “must have” by US consumers, they will
pay the 20%. If the product is very discretionary, consumers will rebel against
a 20% price increase and just do without the product. Mexican producers will
suffer a loss of sales equal to that reduced consumption.
Also, the author’s presenting the fall in the Mexican
peso as something the Trump administration would welcome is sheer nonsense. The
perception that it strengthened Trump’s negotiating position seems to be based
upon a perception that the objective of the negotiation is to win a zero-sum game
where one side wins and the other loses. It makes no sense if the objective of
the Trump administration is their professed desire for more balanced trade. The
weaker peso makes Mexican exports more desirable to US consumers. It only
increases the urgency of the administration's need to resolve the issue and
constrains their flexibility in the negotiations. Not only does it weaken
Trump’s position with respect to Mexico, it also weakens his position vis-à-vis
Republican’s advocating a border adjustment tax instead of Trump’s approach.
The drop in the peso is exactly the currency responses that advocates of the
border adjustment tax say will eliminate any inflationary impact of their tax
When presenting the benefits of free trade,
economists can show that relative advantage results in all parties involved in
free-trade being better off in aggregate. However, as is illustrated by the
peso's adjustment, the theoretical underpinnings of the advantages of free
trade are often illustrated by exclusively focusing on goods and services. In
the real world there is an important additional commodity being traded: it is
the currency. It would behoove those
thinking about what constitutes more balanced trade between the US and Mexico
to keep in mind the fact that the dollar is a reserve currency. To the extent
Mexico requires reserves it will need to export more to the US than it imports
from the US. That's the only way Mexico can accumulate the dollars it needs to
hold as a currency reserve. By contrast the US has no need to import pesos.
Consequently, it's totally unrealistic to think that the US exports to Mexico
should, or could, ever equal Mexico's exports to the US over a long period of
NAFTA should be evaluated based upon the extent to
which it allows the free exchange of goods between willing parties. It's
totally inappropriate to pretend that the balance of that exchange provides the
criteria by which NAFTA can be evaluated. If the balance of trade is lopsided,
it isn't due to the structure of free-trade. No country has a relative
advantage in all things.
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